Class of 2013

Class of 2013
SGS is the BEST!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Harvard Cheating Scandal

I have recently watched a video about kids in Harvard University who were given a take home test. The officials at Harvard are saying that they were cheating. The students might have collaborated with each other so that they can get answers. This might cause the students to get suspended or even expelled. People are picking up for both sides because you cant it was really both of there sides. In my opinion it was a bad idea for the teachers to give them the take home test because they should of expected them to cheat off of each other. It is also the students fault because they were given rules for the test and they had broke them. If it was me to decide I would blame both of them.


  1. Good job Robert but I don't agree with you. You have to understand that they are in collage so the professors are trusting them to take the test like an adult and not choose to cheat like a child. In other words they knew it was a test so the shouldn't have cheated on it.

    1. I agree with you Tatiana. As teachers, we put a lot of trust in our students to do their own work so they can learn to the best of their abilities.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good job Robert but the teachers at Harvard University expect their students to follow rules and regulations.


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