This blog is for the use of 8th grade students to share and improve their writing. The students will respond to novel discussions and will choose topics of interest to blog about and I will moderate and administrate their posts. Our goal is to share our voices with an authentic audience who will provide us feedback on our thoughts. We hope you enjoy our work!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Integrity? Are you honest or not?
Please look at this video of me!
Integrity for life?
I myself am partially a person of integrity. I lied and all those other things but I always paid the price. Integrity has never truly been the thing I cared about, it has always been something I said that I only have to do when I get older or I do it at certain moments it has honestly never been a true priority. I’m not saying I lie all the time or that I’m always purposely doing the wrong thing. All I’m saying is that until a few hours, days , or weeks ago I never really cared for the word integrity or really even completely understood it. Integrity has never been a word in my vocabulary, now it is a word I will try to live by.
Integrity Blog
Integrity: do you have it?
Click the link below to find a few things out about me
All About Emily
Are You A Person Of Integrity? You Decide!!!
Click on this link to see a video clip about me!
Integrity Blog (M.M.)
I am not a person that lives with integrity. Maybe sometimes I live with integrity, but I know that one day I will find a dollar bill, pick it up and just give up on finding whose it is. I will take it because there is no use in trying to find someone. I mean it is just a dollar bill, but I am not living with integrity if I do take it. Maybe I could give it away. Maybe I could donate it. If I can’t even do that, then what's the point? I do help people find things they have lost or may have been left behind somewhere where they know it could be but overall. I’m nothing special. My thinking is that if I were to be a person that lives with integrity. I would have to always find a way to help or give back something to someone. I can’t! Sometimes it’s hard! I am not fully a person that lives with integrity, but if I find a way to help someone. I will.
A Video about Me!
Integrity Blog
Integrity by Anirah Drew
Be Honest Not Dishonest!
Are You a Person with Integrity??
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Proper Grammar is a MUST !!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Who cares 4 grammar?
Kyle Wiens' article "I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar" was in my opinion harsh and opinionated. His idea that if you have bad grammar you are most likely bad at other actions. Which is telling people who have bad grammar they probably can't stack books. If you can't separate to and too you have a slight learning curve that does not mean you shouldn't get a job you do.
Does Grammar Matter?
Do you have good grammar!!!!! By Carlton Patterson
Having good grammar could be the one thing that keeps you from getting your dream job. For me grammar is necessary in school and in the workplace. Many people will think of you as an unintelligible person.
I agree with Mr. Wiens about grammar . Making grammar mistakes can lead to common mistakes in the workplace while stocking shelves or counting money. If I was an owner of a multi-million dollar company I wouldn't bother with an applicant that uses bad grammar.Mr . Wiens is a bit of a grammar Nazi and to some people he might simply be exaggerating, but in my personal opinion grammar is a big deal.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
You Think Grammar Ain't Not Important???? By Michael Leopanto
In the blog, "I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here's Why By Kyle Wiens," the Author passionately expresses his feelings and views on people who use poor grammar. Through his writing I think it would be safe to say that one of his "Pet-Peeve's" is a poorly spoken and written employee (or just person at all). Kyle Wiens believes that even if a software designer has every other qualification for a job but has poor grammar they should be passed up for the job. Mr. Wiens claims that he has a zero tolerance level for poor grammar and also feels that every business starts with good employees which in his opinion includes good grammar as a quality. Kyle Wiens has strong opinions on how he runs his business. I agree with him completely.
Many things that Kyle Wiens stated in his blog stood out strong to me. One thing that stood out to me the most was when Kyle Wiens said "Good grammar is credibility, even on the internet," he then continued to explain that good grammar is important even in social medias, blogs, and texts. This stood out to me so greatly because this is one thing with grammar that I could say that I am a "stickler" with. When it comes to things like this I feel as though some people do not understand the importance of good grammer. Many people feel that grammar is of no importance in their younger years. These people are completely wrong. At my age grammar should be of top priority when it comes to not just school, but even when it comes to life in a whole. Overall I feel that grammar is one of the most important aspects of life and that Kyle Wiens expressed my opinion in the best way possible.
Grammar-Friend or Foe by Anirah Drew
Look, You will be judge by your grammar. Use it all the time so you wont have to be judge. Easy as that.
Grammar is EVERYTHING! By Amaya Drew
In the article "I won't hire people who use poor grammar, Wiens explains that even if you are superb in skills and technique, you WILL NOT be hired if you fail to use correct grammar. This is something I totally believe in. You won't be working as a writer,but how would you make your company look if all of their employees are mixing up "your and you're." It just give the company a bad look. Wiens also says that grammar is credibility, especially on the Internet. How many times on Social networking sites have you commented "it's you're, not your" or "you used there when it's they're" on a status or tweet? I'm guessing an abundance, correct? It is indeed annoying, and you are very tired of commenting the same mistakes. One of Wien's statements in the article stood out to me the most. He said "Good grammar makes good business sense, not just to writers". I simply love it. You could be applying for a job as a waiter, but you should still have your grammar in tact. If you talk to me like you've missed out on grade school, I will not tip you as much. This applies to all jobs. It's just the way it works. Teenagers are the epitome of bad grammar. We use slang in our everyday world. If you use this slang in front of your friends, fine. However, in school or in the work place, you should be able to write a summary without having your teacher rip their hair out or cry in a corner. I also like when Wiens explained that applicants who make less grammar mistakes make less mistakes in the work place. I'm not in total agreement with him. If you are a A+ student, then the slang you use with your friends should not affect you. If it does, then you should really consider laying the slang off a little.
Grammar is part of life. I have yet to perfect it. In all honesty, no one will. However, if you have the grammar of a 5 year old, you might want to work on that before entering any work.
Grammar Matters Two by: Emily Hodge
Why Should We use Good Grammar?
Why I would not hire a with poor grammar skills
I have recently read a article about a CEO of a company and how he despises horrible grammar skills in his applicants. I am in favor of this man's zero tolerance grammar policy and am here to continue his blog with a few of his points. Grammar Is used everyday by everyone no matter how horrible it's used. Many people believe that grammar does not relate to other subjects such as social skills. I assure u it does would you like a person to come up to you and say ''Yo you ain't seen my school did ya.'' Do you see what i mean it sound like rubbish and I do occasionally you such horrible grammar skills but only in the present of good friends. The jest of it is that you should practice good grammar skills . Do I mean talk like a well mannered king no but think of a future job or date you want these people to take you seriously. To all those who have taken your time to read this blog thank you and comment if you like.
Grammar Is Awethome!
Friday, March 15, 2013
Prejudice D (B.Q) Blog
Older people are on the computer complaining about us being on the computer. This make the all hypocrites. On a lady, that claims she is a “expert” on youth, writes an artical about how the youth is on the computer to much. When she is the one on the computer writing it. She also says “that is our problem” in the same article. Another older man from thinks he is doing right by trying to figure out “why we are the way we are” and “what we are missing”. I think this man is putting us down and judging all of us based on a couple of us. This is completely unfair. If we said all older people hate technology the one that love it will get mad. Same with us the judge our whole generation of a few kids our age. Now we are mad. They all think that if life was hard for them it needs to be hard for us.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Prejudice Of People In Philadelphia
Yes, there is a prejudice about people from here. Even though I have no facts about it, but I did find websites about the topic that mostly opinion based, I think I am right. I’m sure not everyone from other cities hates people from here. I believe that the people from here are not horrible. Philadelphia a great place, it has a lot of history like the Liberty Bell, the Constitution was signed, the Declaration of Independence was written here. We also have a diverse culture here. Philadelphia is a great place to live.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
“Dubstep is a genre of electronic dance music that originated in South London, England, and the United Kingdom.” Many people who know of dubstep think that this does not allow talent when in fact it does in some cases. Some talents that would be beneficial for making this type of music would be being able to play drums or a keyboard. Then in some cases people just use a computer with a special type of software.
People who go to other schools think that people who go to St.Gabriel School
are poor and have no money because the school is in a bad neighborhood, but some people think we are good kids and well behaved.When we play other schools in sports they think we are a bad group of kids because we always get into each other faces.
Prejudice against people who listen to metal, rock, etc..
People who don’t like metal, rock, or other genres similar to these like I do have many opinions on other people. Some people do say things about people who listen to music that they don’t particularly like. I do think there is a prejudice against people who do listen to it. To some people it can be mean and hurtful and in most cases untrue.
Some opinions I found are that people who listen to this type of music are emo( if you don't know it is what some people refer to others who listen to thins music), scene( this is also what some people refer to other who listen to this music), depressed, antisocial, are mad at the world, hate everything, and self harm. Also, what was said is everyone who listens to this has long black hair, only wears black, and has a bunch of tattoos and piercings. People also assume that they are atheists, worship the devil, and are going to hell. This is not true. Yes, there are people who listen to this music that do self harm, are depressed, and all the other things I have stated, but it is not everyone. I listen to this music a lot and I have never harmed myself, I am not mad at the world, and I don’t hate everything. Some people do have tattoos and piercings, but not everyone does. I don’t have any. Also, not everyone worships the devil and is not atheist, like I’m Catholic. It is said that if you listen to it you have a bad music taste. I don’t think it is true. Music is made for people to enjoy. If you don’t like a certain type of music then just don’t listen to it.
To me it is a prejudice because people are stereotyping others. Most of the things people say about these people is not true and unfair. People should just leave their opinions to themselves and let people be!.
Prejudice is Alive in the hearts of adults to teens!
Prejudice about music exists
Teens vs. Older People
What do people much older than I am think that people my age? I feel that the people as old as me are lazy. We spend too much time on the internet, stay up too late. We act immature, and we party to much. I believe some of these things are true; But a lot of the time we are stereotyped.
Some of the facts I found were that the majority of teens don’t get the 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 hours of sleep because of the internet. It has also been said that teens are on the computer for 31 hours a week. I feel that one major reason teens are on the internet and not playing outside is because of the crime rate. In today’s world it is very dangerous to go outside. You have to be afraid of getting beat up or getting your belongings stolen from you. That is why I feel so many of us turn to the internet or video games because when you are in your house you don’t have to be afraid of getting into trouble. Older people should look at that because when they were our age it was safe to go out and play and that was all they had to do. Now this is all what we have to do.
In conclusion, I feel that a lot of the time older people don’t look at how much the times have changed. Many older people are very one sided and only want to hear what they feel like hearing. I think they should open up their eyes to the new generation and see what is out there new to learn.
Teen vs. People Older Than Them
People much older than I am think that people my age tend to be immature. They say we blame others for all our problems, but some of us are responsible and act mature get generalized with the kids who are not like that. We, as teenagers are generalized. Our behavior is blamed on peers, television, movies, and video games.
The teenage years are very experimental. It is a time when we are trying to find out who we are and where we fit in. I want to be independent but I also want boundaries. I will try different things like piercings, dyed hair, music, and maybe drugs, alcohol and maybe even sex. Some of this behavior may seem very strange to our parents and other adults, but this is normal behavior. I change my appearance because it is important to me, and keeping up with the trends, makes me feel accepted. I may withdraw from family activities and hanging with friends because they are more like me than the adults in my life. You think that I have nothing to worry about but some days I don't like myself or anyone else.
The generalizations about people my age are just that - generalization. I believe that older people should take the time to get to know me. I am funny caring, and bright and I may teach you something. People see us as spoiled brats, but that is an unfair opinion. I or any teen that you may know deserves to be treated as an individual. I may fall into peer pressure and/or alcohol. Some kids do get addicted but I am telling you if you notice a difference in my behavior and mood make me aware of it. Just ask me what is going on sometimes.
Prejudice Blog
People much older than I am think that people my age are not capable of doing the things that older teenagers do. We aren't as fun as them, but they have to realize we are kids we are reckless just like some adults but we don’t do as many bad things as them. We are able to do anything they do so I don’t know why they think they're so much better than us. The kids these days actually know how to have fun without always getting in trouble all the time.
Another thing about adults is that if we don’t drink beer or smoke cigarettes we’re just a waste of their time. They won't do anything with us because we are nothing like them. I'm not saying that’s all of them but three fourths of them are that way. People think we have to do drugs to hang with them. When they were kids that’s how they might have had to do things. The neighborhoods are starting to change. When I become older I will make sure that if the kids want to hang with we us older teenagers they can. I also want to make sure that when they are in trouble they don’t hide from their wrong doings. I will teach them how to protect themselves from anything harming them. Also, I will treat all of them like they're my own brother.
I am starting to realize that older teenagers aren't that much more fun than us. We all act the same, nobody is special. Kids should be eligible to hang with who they want and how they want no matter what their age is. I hope people start to realize not to be prejudice and just let them be.
Do you really think teens are irresponsible?
Philadelphia stinks!
The things people say about Philadelphia are just crazy. Prejudice against Philadelphia definitely exists. There’s no question about it. I think people need to grow up and realize that there are problems in cities everywhere. There’s no reason to point fingers at people in Philadelphia. Philadelphia has to be the greatest place ever! Philly has to be a wonderful place to be if willing to accept some minor mistakes here and there. Shout out! What do you think?
Prejudice D. Blog
People much older than I am think that people my age are not responsible. They do not rely on people my age, because they think they can’t handle it. I have seen a lot of this happening. There are many other things older people think about us.
You can tell older people think you’re not responsible because if they need help with something important, they’ll look over you. They’ll try to find someone older to help them with it. They assume younger people are immature. They think we are lazy. Some people might be lazy, but not everyone is. Six out of ten young people already volunteer with community agencies. Almost nine out of ten teenagers would volunteer to take part in programs to help prevent crime if they knew how to get involved with their communities. From this fact, it proves we are all not lazy. They’ll think you are always childish and can never be serious, but that’s not true. I would say younger people these days know more now. A lot of them have gone through things that people their age shouldn’t. This caused them to know more. We may not be as mature as adults now, but it took them time to get there. Younger people nowadays are pretty mature for their age. Older people think we make irrational decisions. I would say we all make irrational decisions. This makes us learn from our mistakes and become wiser. If you don’t make mistakes, you’ll never learn. Adults do make irrational decisions like we do, it’s not just us. Older and younger people become wiser over the years. Adults also think we do bad things outside of school. I kind of think they almost think we’re in a gang. It’s because of how our world is today. It’s putting a bad name to us as young people. Youth are less likely to be charged with violent crimes than adults.
Prejudice against people in Philly.
People who live in other states think that people in Pennsylvania are stuck up. To me I think this is somewhat true but then again I don’t. Everyone has something diverse about them that others don’t have. I’m not stuck up, I’m just a smart person. Being stuck up is when you think you’re all that and seem not to care for and/or about others. I care about everyone and everything and I don’t think of myself more than I do others and I don’t think that I’m necessarily all that.
Some people even said that they love the history and environment of Pennsylvania period. I love the way that Pennsylvania is made but even though I love it that doesn't mean I don’t want to try other places or go across the world. That just means that I love how it is and I love the way that many people treat me. For those people to say that they don’t like Pennsylvania only because of the place is not fair at all. Many people have their own opinions on Philadelphia but there’s always a good part of a city, country, state, or even nation. The environment in Philadelphia isn't even that bad. There are not that many burnt down places. Like of course Philadelphia has the hood or the “ghetto” as people refer to places in which people are poor, hardly have any food and or items of their own, and who are selling some type of illegal item. Okay fine Philadelphia does have some burnt down places but it is not like that everywhere in PA. I actually like Philadelphia, Pennsylvania because many of the people here, you can trust, but you can’t trust everyone.