Class of 2013

Class of 2013
SGS is the BEST!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Prejudice Blog

Please view my introduction Voice Thread

People much older than I am think that people my age are not capable of doing the things that older teenagers do. We aren't as fun as them, but they have to realize we are kids we are reckless just like some adults but we don’t do as many bad things as them. We are able to do anything they do so I don’t know why they think they're so much better than us. The kids these days actually know how to have fun without always getting in trouble all the time.
Another thing about adults is that if we don’t drink beer or smoke cigarettes we’re just a waste of their time. They won't do anything with us because we are nothing like them. I'm not saying that’s all of them but three fourths of them are that way. People think we have to do drugs to hang with them. When they were kids that’s how they might have had to do things. The neighborhoods are starting to change. When I become older I will make sure that if the kids want to hang with we us older teenagers they can. I also want to make sure that when they are in trouble they don’t hide from their wrong doings. I will teach them how to protect themselves from anything harming them. Also, I will treat all of them like they're my own brother.
I am starting to realize that older teenagers aren't that much more fun than us. We all act the same, nobody is special.  Kids should be eligible to hang with who they want and how they want no matter what their age is. I hope people start to realize not to be prejudice and just let them be.


  1. I completely agree with you. Why do you think they act like that?

    1. I believe that they act like that because they don't want us getting in trouble or hurt in any way.

  2. I agree that teenagers should think of younger kids better. But i don't agree on how the adults think in your story. Could you make that sentence a little more clearer on what you mean?

    1. When I had put adult it was a mistake. I had meant to put teenager.

  3. I agree with your points about prejudice. I have an older sister who is in high school, and I understand why she wouldn't want me to hang out with her and her friends. We are two different ages, and sometimes it is the maturity level is why they don't want us to hang around them. Other than that you have a great blog!

  4. I agree with your points about prejudice. I have an older sister who is in high school, and I understand why she wouldn't want me to hang out with her and her friends. We are two different ages, and sometimes it is the maturity level is why they don't want us to hang around them. Other than that you have a great blog! It was very well written.(Sorry about the first one. I put it as anonymous and I have to repost it.)
    ~Skyler SGGS


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