Class of 2013

Class of 2013
SGS is the BEST!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Grammar Matters Two by: Emily Hodge

Kyle Wiens, the Author of the blog "I won't hire people who use poor grammar here's why," has a no tolerance approach to grammar mistakes.  He believes that even if you have all the qualifications for a job, but use poor grammar you should not be hired.  If you are going for a job interview at either of his businesses,"iFixit and Dozuki," you better be prepared for his mandatory grammar test. Also if you believe grammar isn't important in any job, this isn't the job for you.  If you don't think grammar is important, then you will think other important things are unimportant. If  you make simple grammar mistakes, then think of the mistakes you will make stocking shelves, or programming software. In my opinion his hiring ethic is better than others.
If you are going for a job interview and you use improper grammar, it will just make you sound unintelligent. Usage of improper grammar makes you sound unintelligent all together.  When you are texting it is a different story.  The entire point of texting is to send a quick message, which in most cases means using improper grammar.  So if you are texting someone, in my opinion improper grammar is okay, but if you are speaking to a teacher, going for a job interview, etc, improper grammar makes you seem uneducated, and just plain stupid.


  1. I completely agree. But on the subject of texting you should still use some grammar. I speak from personal experience. I have gotten so many texts that took me five minutes to figure out. So, I agree with texting to some extent.
    P.S. I LOVE the picture.

  2. I completely agree with your blog! I agree with that bit about texting. Grammar is essential to life and can make you sound unintelligent! D.N.-SGGS

  3. I completely agree with your blog! I agree with that bit about texting. Grammar is essential to life and can make you sound unintelligent! D.N.-SGGS

  4. I agree with your blog. If you completely stopped using grammar in texts, it would affect people's speech and sociability.

  5. I agree with your blog. If you completely stopped using grammar in texts, it would affect people's speech and sociability.

  6. Good blog, you have a good point. I am a little confused on how you went from the topic of using proper grammar to the topic of text language. There isn't very much of a connection there other than that is a place were people generally don't use proper grammar. Other than that, I think you did a good job writing your blog. Keep it up!
    PF - SGGS

  7. I agree with your blog, Emily. Speaking with improper grammar gives whoever you are speaking to a bad impression. Especially when you are speaking with your boss or teacher, it is disrespectful. Grammar is an important essential of life and should be obeyed.


  8. This is a good blog and it is written very well.


  9. I agree of what you said. I do because if you completely stopped using grammar in texts, it would affect people's speech and sociability.

  10. Thank you everyone for taking the time to comment on my blog, I appreciate all of your opinions.

  11. Good job. I agree with you that people should use proper grammar.

  12. I very much agree with you. I think that using proper grammar is very important when talking to someone important. I think that improper grammar is okay while texting also. I think this was a very well written piece. Great job! I really like the picture. Claire Grade 8

  13. I think that grammar is very important to use. If you don't, there might be that one person that will judge you because that you spelt a word wrong. It's just good in general to have good grammar. If you are talking to your friends, then it is ok to use bad grammar because they don't really care if your grammar is bad. If you are talking to someone who is very important, then it is best not to use bad grammar. This is a good post. Do you use good grammar when you talk to your friends?

    Angela, Grade 7


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