This blog is for the use of 8th grade students to share and improve their writing. The students will respond to novel discussions and will choose topics of interest to blog about and I will moderate and administrate their posts. Our goal is to share our voices with an authentic audience who will provide us feedback on our thoughts. We hope you enjoy our work!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Proper Grammar is a MUST !!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Who cares 4 grammar?
Kyle Wiens' article "I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar" was in my opinion harsh and opinionated. His idea that if you have bad grammar you are most likely bad at other actions. Which is telling people who have bad grammar they probably can't stack books. If you can't separate to and too you have a slight learning curve that does not mean you shouldn't get a job you do.
Does Grammar Matter?
Do you have good grammar!!!!! By Carlton Patterson
Having good grammar could be the one thing that keeps you from getting your dream job. For me grammar is necessary in school and in the workplace. Many people will think of you as an unintelligible person.
I agree with Mr. Wiens about grammar . Making grammar mistakes can lead to common mistakes in the workplace while stocking shelves or counting money. If I was an owner of a multi-million dollar company I wouldn't bother with an applicant that uses bad grammar.Mr . Wiens is a bit of a grammar Nazi and to some people he might simply be exaggerating, but in my personal opinion grammar is a big deal.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
You Think Grammar Ain't Not Important???? By Michael Leopanto
In the blog, "I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here's Why By Kyle Wiens," the Author passionately expresses his feelings and views on people who use poor grammar. Through his writing I think it would be safe to say that one of his "Pet-Peeve's" is a poorly spoken and written employee (or just person at all). Kyle Wiens believes that even if a software designer has every other qualification for a job but has poor grammar they should be passed up for the job. Mr. Wiens claims that he has a zero tolerance level for poor grammar and also feels that every business starts with good employees which in his opinion includes good grammar as a quality. Kyle Wiens has strong opinions on how he runs his business. I agree with him completely.
Many things that Kyle Wiens stated in his blog stood out strong to me. One thing that stood out to me the most was when Kyle Wiens said "Good grammar is credibility, even on the internet," he then continued to explain that good grammar is important even in social medias, blogs, and texts. This stood out to me so greatly because this is one thing with grammar that I could say that I am a "stickler" with. When it comes to things like this I feel as though some people do not understand the importance of good grammer. Many people feel that grammar is of no importance in their younger years. These people are completely wrong. At my age grammar should be of top priority when it comes to not just school, but even when it comes to life in a whole. Overall I feel that grammar is one of the most important aspects of life and that Kyle Wiens expressed my opinion in the best way possible.
Grammar-Friend or Foe by Anirah Drew
Look, You will be judge by your grammar. Use it all the time so you wont have to be judge. Easy as that.
Grammar is EVERYTHING! By Amaya Drew
In the article "I won't hire people who use poor grammar, Wiens explains that even if you are superb in skills and technique, you WILL NOT be hired if you fail to use correct grammar. This is something I totally believe in. You won't be working as a writer,but how would you make your company look if all of their employees are mixing up "your and you're." It just give the company a bad look. Wiens also says that grammar is credibility, especially on the Internet. How many times on Social networking sites have you commented "it's you're, not your" or "you used there when it's they're" on a status or tweet? I'm guessing an abundance, correct? It is indeed annoying, and you are very tired of commenting the same mistakes. One of Wien's statements in the article stood out to me the most. He said "Good grammar makes good business sense, not just to writers". I simply love it. You could be applying for a job as a waiter, but you should still have your grammar in tact. If you talk to me like you've missed out on grade school, I will not tip you as much. This applies to all jobs. It's just the way it works. Teenagers are the epitome of bad grammar. We use slang in our everyday world. If you use this slang in front of your friends, fine. However, in school or in the work place, you should be able to write a summary without having your teacher rip their hair out or cry in a corner. I also like when Wiens explained that applicants who make less grammar mistakes make less mistakes in the work place. I'm not in total agreement with him. If you are a A+ student, then the slang you use with your friends should not affect you. If it does, then you should really consider laying the slang off a little.
Grammar is part of life. I have yet to perfect it. In all honesty, no one will. However, if you have the grammar of a 5 year old, you might want to work on that before entering any work.
Grammar Matters Two by: Emily Hodge
Why Should We use Good Grammar?
Why I would not hire a with poor grammar skills
I have recently read a article about a CEO of a company and how he despises horrible grammar skills in his applicants. I am in favor of this man's zero tolerance grammar policy and am here to continue his blog with a few of his points. Grammar Is used everyday by everyone no matter how horrible it's used. Many people believe that grammar does not relate to other subjects such as social skills. I assure u it does would you like a person to come up to you and say ''Yo you ain't seen my school did ya.'' Do you see what i mean it sound like rubbish and I do occasionally you such horrible grammar skills but only in the present of good friends. The jest of it is that you should practice good grammar skills . Do I mean talk like a well mannered king no but think of a future job or date you want these people to take you seriously. To all those who have taken your time to read this blog thank you and comment if you like.