Class of 2013

Class of 2013
SGS is the BEST!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Ninny and the Governess

Anton Chekhov and Neil Simon, two short story/playwrights wrote about a maid who was too shy to correct her employer, so she accepted less pay than she earned. In both of the stories the employer played a trick on there governess(another name for a maid) to see if they would protest against them when they attempted to pay them the wrong amount of money. The way that the authors depicted the employers. The employer spoke with great disrespect in both of these stories. The employer in the Governess  in my opinion was more disrespectful and sour to the maid/governess. In the Ninny apologized for playing a trick on the governess and gladly gave her the correct pay. In the Ninny the employer used a very cantankerous tone when she spoke to the governess. The Governess was spineless and weak since she did not defend the fact that she was not going to receive the pay that she earned but why would that absolutely concern those people so much. I think there would be a better way for them to try to convince her to show more strength defend herself. The cruel trick played on the Governess in my opinion was not as cruel as they made it out to be.The authors of the stories did a great job expressing the anger in the voices of the employer and the worry in the voices of the Governess.

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