Class of 2013

Class of 2013
SGS is the BEST!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

You Think Grammar Ain't Not Important???? By Michael Leopanto

In the blog, "I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here's Why By Kyle Wiens," the Author passionately expresses his feelings and views on people who use poor grammar. Through his writing I think it would be safe to say that one of his "Pet-Peeve's" is a poorly spoken and written employee (or just person at all). Kyle Wiens believes that even if a software designer has every other qualification for a job but has poor grammar they should be passed up for the job. Mr. Wiens claims that he has a zero tolerance level for poor grammar and also feels that every business starts with good employees which in his opinion includes good grammar as a quality. Kyle Wiens has strong opinions on how he runs his business. I agree with him completely.

Many things that Kyle Wiens stated in his blog stood out strong to me. One thing that stood out to me the most was when Kyle Wiens said "Good grammar is credibility, even on the internet," he then continued to explain that good grammar is important even in social medias, blogs, and texts. This stood out to me so greatly because this is one thing with grammar that I could say that I am a "stickler" with. When it comes to things like this I feel as though some people do not understand the importance of good grammer. Many people feel that grammar is of no importance in their younger years. These people are completely wrong. At my age grammar should be of top priority when it comes to not just school, but even when it comes to life in a whole. Overall I feel that grammar is one of the most important aspects of life and that Kyle Wiens expressed my opinion in the best way possible.


  1. Well said, Michael! I'm glad you agree.

  2. I completely agree with you and Kyle Wiens. You should always use good grammar. Especially is your writing. If you don't then things could be taken wrong.

    1. I'm glad you agree! It is very true that things are often taken wrong when you use improper grammar.

  3. I think this is a well written paragraph! I like how you explained the article and your opinion. Well done! EC-SGGS

    1. Thank you for your appreciation!

  4. I totally agree. Without proper grammar, who could understand your writing? When you are saying something like i would like TWO bagels, but spell it as TO, someone might think you are saying something completely different. In my opinion, grammar is key.

    1. I agree with you also, grammar is key to many of life's solutions! Thank you for agreeing!

  5. Wow! Such a nice and persuasive paragraph. I don't really care that much about grammer but I agree with you completly! S.S-SGGS

  6. I agree with what you just said especially about the credibility. If you have a website that has bad grammar in the beginning the reader probably not read the rest of the website and will not recommend it to someone that they know.

    1. Glad that you agree! Thank you for understanding my point of view!

  7. I agree with you! A good employee should know how to write and use grammar correctly. Even in sociable media, grammar is important! I also like how you supported your facts with quotes from Mr. Wien's blog.

    1. Thank you for the great input on my writing techniques!

  8. You did a very good job writing this and getting your point across. Good job.
    Ethan, Grade 8

  9. Thank you all for your comments!
    Michael, Saint Gabriel School

  10. Nice post, I really like how you showed the importance of using good grammar.

  11. I don't think that grammar has to be perfect everywhere. Grammar is important but it is not something that you should judge people upon when they are interviewing for a job.

    Nick, Grade 7

  12. I agree with you that good grammar is important. But why do you think it is important during texting?

    Jared, Grade 7

  13. I agree with you that grammar can be very important. I think it can be important in jobs. However, I don't understand exactly why it is important in texting. When you say its important in texting, do you mean its important when you text to someone important like your boss?

    Alia, Grade 7

    1. I like the quotes you put in.

      Alia, Grade 7

    2. I like the blog you put in to justify your reason. I like it because I get a better understanding of what you are trying to say.


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